Sunday, March 25, 2012

New Chambara Punk Website!

Thank you for reading the Chambara Punk blog! Sorry there weren't more posts, but hey! I started a brand new website where I'm posting all new pages. As the panel says, click the "more comics" to be taken to the all new HypnoSpiral Comics!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chambara Punk vs Hockey Hair - Part 2

Not that anyone asked (or even recognized it as a joke) but I figured I'd reveal the reason behind Eugene's last name. Back in Kurosawa's Yojimbo movies (Yojimbo and Sanjuro) whenever anyone asked Toshiro Mifune's character his name he'd look off wistfully and give whatever he saw then "Sanjuro" as his name i.e. "Tsubaki" (Camilla blossom) Sanjuro. Now in Japanese, Sanjuro means 30 years old. Having wasted a couple credits in college to learn pigeon Japanese I know that "Jyurokusai" means 16 years old. I just ran that through a polish last name filter to get Jewrokowski. As far as Eugene goes I just think its a funny name.

Okay, not the most interesting story in the world but you don't generate too many rolicking yarns in the process of drawing comics. If it tickled your fancy then you can just consider yourself lucky that I didn't have anything better to say.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Chambara Punk vs Hockey Hair - Part 1

First installment of a new Chambara Punk arc which means I'm now working on three comic projects at the same time in addition to my improv group and the Philadelphia comdey zine I decided was too good an idea not to do. What the hell is wrong with me? Even if I was still unemployed this would be too much for one man. To hell with it. I like all three stories too much to leave any of them hanging and unfinished. I'll get it all done it's just going to take a long ass time.

Enough bitchin' I decided to post this thing rather than another Les Cakewalks Strip (already drawn but not colored) because I'll be giving it away in Mini-comic form next sunday at the Punk Rock Flea Market which also happens to be on my birthday. Hopefully it'll direct some traffic this way. I've got part two (four pages) on my drawing table right now and I'll have it out by the end of the summer.

I guess you'll just have to wait for the introduction of the titular character until then!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I Can't Make It On Time

Yeah so there's a lot of this one that sort of sucks. I didn't want to launch this comic blog with just one entry so you get this strip as a stop gap until I finish another Chambara Punk story. I think this one's passable but I won't be posting the others I've got done. The next post here will be all new baby.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Jesus H. Macey I drew this a long time ago! This comic represents a big leap forward with my drawing style. It was the first time I drew on 11"x17" paper as well as the first time I managed this level of quality. I drew like three or for subsequent episodes of Chambara Punk but I didn't take nearly the care I did with this one and as a result they sort of suck...

Anyway, I really like this character and still plan to do some more with him eventually. Who knows, maybe I'll even put up some of the other crappy stories I drew if I'm hard up for new content. Enjoy.